To the expatriate community in Shenzhen:
To improve your communication skills in Chinese, and better understand Chinese cultures and corporate cultures so as to faster fit in your working and living environment in China, we are planning to launch a Business Chinese Weekend Course in the spring semester of 2022. Details of the course are illustrated as followed.
一、 班级名称:汉语基础班,汉语中级班
Classes: Elementary Class and Intermediate Class
二、 授课方式:线上课程,线下课程
Mode of Teaching: Online and Offline
三、 课时内容及上课时间:
Class hours and schedule:
上课时间(4课时)Class Schedule (4 Class Hours) |
课程名称 Class Name |
第1-2节9:20-10:45 |
综合课Chinese Comprehensive |
第3-4节10:55-12:30 |
口语课Chinese Speaking |
备注:3月5日——7月2日(每周六上午)共17次(5月劳动节放假)Note: 5 March –2 July (every Saturday morning), 17 weeks in total (excluding the May Day public holiday weekend) |
四、 报名时间:2022年1月15日-2022年2月28日
Sign-up Periods: 15 Jan, 2022 –28 Feb, 2022
Sign-up Method:
(Registration is open to both companies and individuals; for companies,please contact our admission office via email atciec@szu.edu.cn)
五、 费用:6800元/人(教材费另计)
Tuition fees: 6800RMB/person (not including textbooks)
六、 缴费时间及地点:待邮件通知。
Time and Place for Payment: To be confirmed via email
七、 上课地点:网课APP/深圳大学校内
Class Venues: internet with assigned APP/on campus
八、 联系方式:
Admission Office Contact:
招生办黄老师(微信同)Miss Huang: 13632578796
(wechat number is the same)
招生办马老师(微信同)Miss Ma:19925159355
(wechat number is the same)
Email: ciec@szu.edu.cn
九、 备注*:77779193永利官网可为企业提供定制课程。(可根据企业学生的实际学习需求定制课程内容和课程时间,※8人以上成班。)
Note: We can offer customized courses for companies. (Course contents and periods can be adjusted based on the actual needs of learners from companies. Courses will be offered to a minimum class size of 8 learners.)